The girls had their last fabrics class last weekend. We took some video this time.
Gabbi, Jacqui and I went to watch part of Danielle's class last Sunday. We were very impressed!
Holy Kamoly Danielle--I am majorly impressed. You look awesome. I couldn't do a split like that now (or ever for that matter), even if I had 2 elephants pulling my legs in different directions. You go girl!
Dan, I'm going to get you and the girls applications for Cirques Ole' so you can do mother and daughter acts. You all look so gracful and natural I'm sure they would hire you in a second.
The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (or humuhumu) is the Hawaiian state fish. The girls have enjoyed looking for it while snorkeling and say its name whenever they have the chance!
Holy Kamoly Danielle--I am majorly impressed. You look awesome. I couldn't do a split like that now (or ever for that matter), even if I had 2 elephants pulling my legs in different directions.
You go girl!
Dan, I'm going to get you and the girls applications for Cirques Ole' so you can do mother and daughter acts. You all look so gracful and natural I'm sure they would hire you in a second.
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