I just wanted to share a couple of words about my experience and my good-bye with Ruthie. First of all, I just love her! She is an amazing, insightful, uplifting, beautiful, loving woman. She is a breath of fresh air to be around and has a wonderful energy surrounding her. I am so delighted that my girls have her in their lives. When I was growing up, I worshiped my aunt (Zizi)...I always loved being around her whether it was doing her hair, hanging out listening to Hall and Oats, playing in her pool, or walking my little (not so little anymore) cousin Autumn. Aunts are very special in a little girls life and my girls hit the jackpot. Thank you so much Ruth for what you are to them!!! It is priceless!
Although it was not always easy to have an extra person in our house (mostly just logistical reasons), Ruth helped out in so many ways, that it was a lot smoother than it could have been. Thanks for chipping in with the cooking, preparing, cleaning, childcare, homeschooling, etc. that it takes to run a crazy house like ours. Thanks for your never-ending patience with the girls (especially one little girl that reminds me a lot of me when I was that young), I know that it couldn't always have been easy for you.
I also treasure the great talks that we were able to have. It was so nice to have the time to really get to know you and have more in depth conversations...whether we were in agreance or not, it truly is the way that people learn to connect on deeper levels.
I'm crying right now as I write this because I've always wanted a sister and I'm realizing right now, that now, I have one!!!
With much deserved ALOHA!!!...and a big SHAKA right back at ya!!!
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