Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rob and Carina Visit

We were blessed this summer with a visit from our dear friends Rob and Carina!! They visited us from Albuquerque N.M. We met them up in Alaska when we were there 2 years ago. Bill worked with Rob up there as a fellow planner. And last summer, Rob came here for 8 weeks and worked with Bill.

Carina, Gabbi and Jacqui

At Laie point....a filming sight of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"

Playing at Lanikai Beach

We went for a great hike up the "old pali" road.

Here is Carina on Bill's shoulders trying to pick an avocado out of a tree...seconds before she fell. We had some beautiful avos to eat thanks to our hero Carina for braving the picking!!

On top of the windy Old Pali Lookout.

Here is the waterfall on the way down

Sometimes you meet people and you just know immediately that you connect. Rob is one of those people for Bill and me. He is truly like family....and I don't think it's just because he's Italian. He and Bill have a really special friendship in which I am so happy for both of them to have. And for me, Rob is like a brother. Carina is one of the most fantastic teenagers I have ever met. She is grounded and treats my girls with such love and respect. They had such a great time together, whether it was playing "Killer Bunnies", swimming, hanging around or making up was so precious to see. I only wish they moved to Hawaii instead of Albuquerque!!!

Our last night together at the Foster Botanical Garden's "Midsummer's Nights Dream"

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