Saturday, February 20, 2010

President's Day weekend

I had an extra long weekend with Friday off and then the holiday Monday. We had a lot of fun!

We had our friend Tai over for dinner on Thursday night and finally made chocolate fondue with our fondue set that we have had for a very long time!! We had a great time hanging out with Tai for the evening!

One of the other highlights of the weekend was heading to the north shore on Sunday. We started the day with a hike out to Ka'ena Point, which is the northwest corner of the island. It is about a 5 mile round trip. We saw some whales during the hike out that were showing off with some flipper slaps. Then we saw about 20-30 nesting albatross including a couple of recent hatchlings! There were also a couple of monk seals resting on the rocks at the point. It was a beautiful day and not as hot as this very exposed hike can be!

You can make out the flipper just left of center in the water. If only those humpbacks would pose for us, we could get better pictures!

Laysan Albatross with chick. These are big birds that spend most of their lives at sea. The oldest known albatross is about 70 years old!

It is a little tough to see the monk seals sleeping in the center of the picture, but they are there! Hawaiian monk seals are one of the most endangered types of seals in the world with about 1,000 left in the wild!

The view from Ka'ena Point looking south toward West O'ahu.

We even saw our friends Mike, Stephanie, and Dylan from Alaska. We hoped to see them and had already made plans to hike with them on Monday. I used to work with Mike in Massachusetts and we saw them while they were on vacation in Alaska and we were there while I was on a work detail a couple of years ago.

After our hike, we met up with our friends; Stella, Zoe, Talulah, Cristoff, Hazel, Gretchen, Bruce, Kris, and Joe at a pretty secluded spot. We had a great afternoon hanging, swinging in the Banyans and watching the sunset. We followed it up with dinner in Hale'iwa. Kua aina was not our first choice, but it was delicious!

On Monday we met up with Dylan, Stephanie and Mike to hike Olomana. It is one of our favorite hikes with some beautiful views and some rock scrambling to get to the top. There are actually three peaks and on previous hikes we have been working our way in stages through the challenging portions near the top. This time we made it to the second peak and our sights are firmly set on the third!

At the top of the first peak!

View of the second peak!

Heading back from the second peak.

The view of Kailua and the Mokuluas from the second peak.

Back at the first peak on our way down.

The view looking north.

Next time....the third peak!

1 comment:

nonni said...

you girls look like ther is not much to hang on to coming down the 2nd. mountain. plz use some walking sticks! i'm going to miss not seeing all my little friends i have made when i have visited you. can you all take a picture for me? love nonz