We spent the last weekend of May camping at the Friends of Malaekahana campground. It is about an hour north of us in La'ie. Our friends Gretchen, Andre, Talulah, Stella, and Hazel rented a cabin and we had a tent site. Bruce, Khris, Cristof, and Zoe joined us all on Saturday.Friends of Malaekahana is one of the few private campgrounds on O'ahu. It is a beautiful spot and quite different from the city and county run campgrounds... Our site was steps away from the beach and we spent the weekend playing in the sand, surfing, and relaxing!
Gabbi and Talulah catching some waves!
Gabbi, Talulah, and Zoe hanging out at the cabin.
The kids sacked out, so that the adults could hang out by the fire on Saturday night.
Jacqui and Stella enjoying the sand...
...along with Gabbi.
The beach in front of the cabin and campsite.
Our last stop on the way home was for a hike at Ahupua'a o kahana state park. We traded Jacqui for Talulah for the afternoon and enjoyed a ~4 mile hike through some beautifu rainforest. At the very end of the hike, there was an inviting pool for swimming. Danielle and Gabbi cooled off, while Talulah and I hung out on shore. The swim led to a leptospirosis scare that ended well (no more spirochetes for us!).
Gabbi and Talulah in front of a hala tree.
Danielle broke off a dead hala branch to find this centipede! The centipedes in HI deliver a nasty venomous bite that is very painful! We quickly found a spot to put the branch...
"The swim"
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