Gabbi and Jacqui were really excited to see koalas and since it did not seem likely that we were going to encounter any in the wild, we went to a wildlife park just outside of Sydney.
In New South Wales, you are not allowed to hold koalas, so we had to settle for petting them and posing...
We looked for cassowaries in the wild near Cairns, but this one at the wildlife park was the only one we saw.
This is a hairy nosed wombat. Unfortunately, we only saw dead ones in the wild as roadkill!
For some reason, the girls were really excited about trying to catch these chickens.
They eventually caught one...only to get peed on.
This Tasmanian Devil seemed a little wiped out...
We were pretty glad that this was the only saltwater croc that we encountered during out trip!
These cute little ones are called quolls.
An echidna, one of the only two egg laying mammals (the other being the platypus, which we only saw a stuffed one).
On the way out, the girls were able to visit with this joey wallaby. It is being rehabilitated and was cozy in its pouch. Gabbi and Jacqui were pretty excited to be able to hold it!
The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (or humuhumu) is the Hawaiian state fish. The girls have enjoyed looking for it while snorkeling and say its name whenever they have the chance!
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