My Grandmother would kill me if she knew I was posting these pictures (and hopefully no one else in the family is taking any offense to it...), but we surprised her with our visit and her response was just fantastic!!! We caught her completely off guard!! It's funny, as I'm looking at these pictures, I'm remembering taking a picture of her about 25 years ago putting her nylons on, in the same attire. Some things never change!
Zizi and Tatum having some "Mima" time.
Uncle Gabe reading teaching the girls how to do magic tricks.
We had a great dinner at my mom's house the first night we arrived. As requested by Gabbi and Jacqui, Nonni made Pasta with her awesome sauce, artichokes, and green beans with "Papa's vinegar". Anyone who's ever had my mom's green beans with my Grandfather's vinegar, knows why we've all been missing that treat!! I still can't make them they way she does, even when I have the correct vinegar. Anyways, everyone came over; Donny, Carolyn, Olivia, Joseph, Zizi, Tom, Caylee, Autumn, Jeff, Tatum and of course my mom, Gabe and Gram as well. It was so great to be in that crazy house again. The dinner was so memorable for me, even though it was problably similar to the hundreds of others I've had there throughout the years. I think that being so far away, really makes you appreciate the ones who are not present everyday. It's so important for me for my kids to go back "home" and still feel like it's their home. I want them always to feel connected to my family and feel comfortable around them, even though they don't see them that often any more. From Donny's lound "HEY!!", when he walks in the door, to Tatum immitating him, to the squalks of Gabe's bird "Taco" on the kitchen table while we're eating, to my grandmother's not so happy outlook on life, to my mom's never-ending love and cooking for everyone, to Zizi' eternal smile.......I love you all, my crazy family!!!!Uncle Gabe reading teaching the girls how to do magic tricks.
New Years Eve
For New Year's Eve, we went over our friends Andy, Molly, River, Sage and Dana's house for a great party. The Pasquale/Sackett crew was visiting from England for some time, so they decided to throw a party. So many other of our friends joined us there. We had a total of 14 or so kids sleeping over (and their parents) was quite a night. Per Molly's suggestion, we started celebrating midnight at 7 p.m. with England's New Year and went from there every hour celebrating various other countrys' midnights. It was a great way to get the kid's in bed before our midnight, without making them feel too cheated.
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