Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, we had an actual run in with a jellyfish yesterday.... Jacqui was stung by a Portugese Man of War. We see them on the beach now and then and have had friends get stung when we were around. I was on the beach with a couple of other dad's and the kids, when Jacqui let out a scream!! Portugese Man of War on Bellows Beach

It was pretty obvious what had happened. Luckily, Bruce had some vinegar and meat tenderizer in his car. It didn't take the sting away instantly, but Jacqui was feeling much better within about 15 minutes. She had a little welt that was gone by the time she fell asleep. I've been meaning to put together a firs
t aid kit for the beach and this should be the incentive to get it done!

I've been stung a couple of times now. The first time, I didn't notice until the next day when I had a rash on my back. Danielle asked around to some friends and we came to the conclusion that it was probably a jellyfish. Another time while I was boogie boarding at Makapu'u, I felt a sharp pain on my inner bicep. Within about 5 minutes my armpit was killing me. My friend Curt asked if I had been stung. I said that I thought so. He said that it goes right to your lymph nodes. He thought it would last about an hour and that it was probably a box. He was right....about an hour later the pain had come down quite a bit.

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