Permits to camp at county run campgrounds are free! So, I went to the office 2 Fridays before the date that we wanted to camp. I got to the office later in the morning, so I was not feeling optimistic that we would get a site at all for one of the biggest camping weekends of the year. But, turns out a couple of sites had opened up!!
To make a long story short, we probably got the site because of an error in the county system, there was a group of about 30 Hawaiians on our site and the one next to it. So with some help from the host family we found a spot that we thought would be nice....well, the folks that we were next to partied all night long. We woke up to screams of wooooo-hooooo at 5:30. (Woke up is kind of the wrong term since you have to sleep before you wake up).
After breakfast, we dragged our tent and gear about 200 yards down the beach and found a great spot about 50 feet from the beach. Two other families joined us later in the day for the next 2 nights. We all had a great time!! The sound of the wind and the surf lulled us to sleep in the evenings, we saw incredible views of stars, and played in the sand and waves all day long!
We're planning on doing more camping this fall after our trip back to New England!
Gabbi and Jacqui enjoying some early morning hammock time!

Of course the kids entertained us with some dancing and singing.

Toasting marshmallows on the beach.

Even some time for homeschool work...

The first campsite, a nice spot, but the decibel level was a little high!

The view from the campsite.

Hammock time with friends!

Activities on the tarp.

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