Thursday, March 6, 2008

Storytellers at the Bishop Museum

We had a wonderful time at the Bishop Museum at a Native storytellers program. It included natives from (of all places) Hawai'i, Alaska, and Massachusetts! Their stories, dancing and music were fascinating! It was very interesting to see some of the differences (and similarities) among native cultures that are thousands of miles apart!

The performers helped each other tell stories and performed as a part of the ECHO project ( Their performances are coming to Massachusetts soon. Check out their schedule and try to make it to a performance!

The Alaskan natives (Anupiaq and Yupik) were wonderful to watch. They had us come up on stage to learn and perform (we'll get pictures from friends as soon as we can)

The Massachusetts representatives were Cape Verdean and Wampanoag of Aquinnah. We enjoyed talking with Jonathan Perry, the Wampanoag storyteller!

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