Our Beautiful Ballerina

Jacqui's ballet recital was a couple of weekends ago. She was the most beautiful ballerina I have ever seen (not that I am biased or anything). Her costume was black and green and brought out the beautiful green in her eyes.

Jacqui backstage waiting for one of the "aunties" to do her makeup and glitter.

Jacqui and Gabbi hanging out before the show.

Gabbi and Stella anxiously awaiting the opening of the curtain...
Jacqui performed for two nights. Bill, Gabbi and I went on Friday night and then on Saturday night, I helped out backstage. It was too cute to see her on stage. She looked a little nervous when she came out. Later on she told me that she thought they were going to rehearse first and was not expecting to see all the people in the audience when she came out. Her buddy Talulah was also in her ballet class.

Talulah and Jacqui

Backstage with buddies.
It brought back lots of memories for me and my days of dancing on stage. My mother said that she looked just like me, but I think she is far more beautiful than I was.

No flashes were allowed....so this was the extent of the quality of stage pictures

Jacqui and Talulah with their leis and bouquets of flowers after a job well done.
Jacqui was rightfully proud after her performances. It was nice for her to shine all by herself! We finished the night with a yummy ice cream from Baskin Robbins (really the best place for ice cream in our town....Hawaiians pride themselves for their shaved ice, not their ice cream)