Gretchen, Khris and Toni
A few weekends ago three girlfriends and I took a trip to the Big Island. It was a weekend filled with lots of girl talk...hiking....drinking wine and just plain relaxing. We had a wonderful trip! I am blessed to have these ladies in my life here (although Toni lives in Oregon)
Our first stop was to hike up the side of Mauna Kea (a dormant volcano, which when measured by the ocean floor...where it originates...is the highest mountain in the world). To read more about Maunea Kea, check out this link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauna_Kea). The top of the mountain is home to approximately 10 telescopes representing several different countries. This summit is above the clouds and is clear about 360 days a year. The altitude and isolation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean makes Mauna Kea one of the best locations on earth for ground-based astronomy.

Views driving up.

Gretchen and I being silly

The hike that we did started at the Visitors Center which was at 9000 ft. Coming from sea level, it was quite an adjustment. We didn't hike all that far, but sure did enjoy the views. It felt lunar-like and was absolutely incredible. Our family is going back there next month with the Pasquale's and we're looking forward to taking the day to acclimate and making it to the top (13,803 ft) and doing a hike to a glacier lake. I'm very excited for this!!

Near the visitor's center, there is a short trail that leads to a few of the rare and endangered plants below called a silversword. The only exist here and in Hale'akala Crater on Maui. I've heard it can take up to 20-50 years for the plant to flower and then the plant dies shortly after. No wonder they are so rare and special.

Silversword past it's flowering phase.

We stayed at Kalopa State Park which is on the Haumakua Coast. We stayed in a cabin, the same one that our family stayed at last Christmas. Can't beat the price and we were the only ones there this time.

Hanging out in front of the cabin

Hiking in the rainforest of Kalopa State Park.
On Sunday, we had to drop Toni off to go back to Oregon and Gretchen, Khris and I headed to Volcano National Park. We hiked the same hike that I've hike two other times. It travels down, across, and back up the floor of a crater. Very cool hike.

A view of Halema'u'ma'u Crater

A couple of tree-huggers

Halema'uma'u Crater is responsible for all of the "vog" that the islands recive on days in which the eastern "trade winds" aren't blowing. The towns located south and west of this crater are suffering pretty bad air qualitly these days.
Thanks for a great weekend ladies!!